Mãos Verdes
Artificial Grass Suppliers
Nelly +351 934 816 122

About Us
Like most companies we started because we saw a need within the artificial grass market in Portugal and UK for good quality, European sourced grass. In 2010 prices were ridiculously high and as a result very few installations were made.
We came in with Grass from Belgium. Bought literally by the truck load so we could get the benefits of big buying. Stored locally in Lagos. Able to supply same day/next day from stock.
No one else could match that.
We have always kept our overheads in control so that our prices remain ultra competitive. Even when compared against cheap imports from China.
We are the only suppliers of Classis Bvba.
Products in Portugal so remain at the cutting edge of superior quality.
We have since added to our range, self adhesive seaming tape and U shaped turf pins. Both manufactured to our exacting standards and not available elsewhere.